Five Sentence Fiction - Secrets



She crawled out of bed, brushed her teeth and checked her breath, she’d just die if anyone knew. Grabbed her purse and coat and headed out the door, without breakfast she’d just have to do. While the morning flew by, noon brought that twitch in her left eye and oh, she just knew, she just knew, she just knew. Lunchtime had come and thus so would the rum, yes she’d slip away for a few. Yes, it couldn’t hurt, just a few...


  1. I'll admit I may have been inspired by our fish-bowl rum cocktails on Saturday LOL. Although I still can't recall/pronounce the name of it!

  2. Nice job!!! I love the way you wrote secrets.

  3. I love the cadence of this, the way it is written nearly as a limerick, but with a darker secret lurking inside. Good one!

  4. Well done, surprised me at the end!

  5. Awesome. I like the way you use sentence structure, in this and your previous Five Sentence post. I feel a rhythm drawing me into the story...well done Meghan!

  6. Thanks everyone for reading and your comments! It means a lot that you are taking the time to visit my blog. I just hope I can think of something to write each week as there are many more weeks of five sentence fiction to come - right Lillie!?

  7. I agree the story is very poetic and has good rhythm. The ended took me by surprise but it was a great twist to the story.


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