Magazine Project


Today was our magazine project pitch and good news — it was approved!

My group and I pitched the idea of a sustainable living magazine, focusing on local Manitoba stories and perspectives. The idea came to us easily, but coming up with a name for the magazine took hours of brainstorming. In the end, we settled on a name we think conveys our eco-friendly message and will be fun to work with in InDesign.

So without further delay, allow me to introduce the intensely creative and challenging project that will consume my life for the next two months... 

Sprout Magazine!

Now, a little bit about Sprout.

The ideal readers of our magazine are students, recent graduates, or recently employed people ages 18+ who have a basic knowledge and understanding of information pertaining to the environment and sustainable living practices, and who want to learn more about environmental issues.

When it comes to publishing Sprout, we plan to be as environmentally friendly as possible, printing on recycled paper and using vegetable-based inks.

Art and design will be clean and simple. Stunning photographs featuring local food, landscapes, nature, and Manitoba's green community will jump off the pages, begging you to read the articles that accompany them!

I feel so fortunate that my group managed to come together the way we did to come up with an idea that we are all very passionate about. At the moment, we have enough editorial content to keep Sprout running for years, but first we need to get working on issue #1!

I'll be heading to some pretty interesting locations for a feature article I'm writing about Aboriginal traditional healing practices. My first stop: an Aboriginal sweat lodge!


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